Systeme Paradoxe is the electrocold project of Laurent T. and H.(Hélène)
A pure, melancholic and melodic music from this French duo who takes as much care to chisel the sound as the image.
Straight basses and icy electronics meet the black atmosphere of film music ; The voice, the song of H. sets the mood and raises the tone…
Systeme Paradoxe is also the musical universe which holds the most to Laurent T.’s heart, the one where he hides the least.
Newsynth, darkwave, coldwave …. There is so many terms to define the music of Systeme Paradoxe… Laurent T. adds one with the neologism “electrocold” to qualify the result of a real return to the roots in which the duo allows themselves to sink alternating melancholy, hope and disillusionment.
02-Comme le sable en hiver
04-“ Rouler… “
05-Zero zero
06-Comme le sable en hiver ( solo versión )
07-“ Rouler… “ ( instrumental )
08-Zero zero ( instrumental bonus fan )
Bonus singles :
09-París – Barcelone
10-Ne m'attends plus ( soft versión )
COD: TW 1.172
TITLE: Histoires Ordinaires et deux singles
GENRE: Newsynth, darkwave, coldwave
YEAR: 2023
FORMAT: Digipack CD